Apache Server Status for pharmacy.ahc.umn.edu (via

Server Version: Apache/2.4.59 (Win64) OpenSSL/3.1.5 mod_jk/1.2.46
Server MPM: WinNT
Apache Lounge VS17 Server built: Apr 4 2024 15:03:17

Current Time: Wednesday, 26-Jun-2024 00:46:18 Central Daylight Time
Restart Time: Monday, 24-Jun-2024 01:25:40 Central Daylight Time
Parent Server Config. Generation: 1
Parent Server MPM Generation: 0
Server uptime: 1 day 23 hours 20 minutes 38 seconds
Server load: -1.00 -1.00 -1.00
Total accesses: 30939 - Total Traffic: 780.8 MB - Total Duration: 21260513
.182 requests/sec - 4803 B/second - 25.8 kB/request - 687.175 ms/request
1 requests currently being processed, 0 workers gracefully restarting, 149 idle workers

Scoreboard Key:
"_" Waiting for Connection, "S" Starting up, "R" Reading Request,
"W" Sending Reply, "K" Keepalive (read), "D" DNS Lookup,
"C" Closing connection, "L" Logging, "G" Gracefully finishing,
"I" Idle cleanup of worker, "." Open slot with no current process

0-017600/1709/1709_ 59414347842840.025.9125.91 /art_logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
0-017600/2413/2413_ 2160032342610.048.5648.56 /.DS_Store HTTP/1.1
0-017600/2358/2358_ 307733415237020.041.6041.60 /images/aerie-logo.jpg HTTP/1.1
0-017600/2819/2819W 0013069010.063.3163.31 /server-status HTTP/1.1
0-017600/3413/3413_ 5159519108170.086.8986.89 / HTTP/1.1
0-017600/2658/2658_ 51646011426460.057.5957.59 /assets/js/vendor/jquery.js HTTP/1.1
0-017600/1332/1332_ 3953509359270.077.9277.92 /greyShadow.png HTTP/1.1
0-017600/3492/3492_ 2162017526800.064.4764.47 /ecp/Current/exporttool/microsoft.exchange.ediscovery.expor
0-017600/4518/4518_ 5159535860250.0119.14119.14 /poc.jsp/ HTTP/1.1
0-017600/3574/3574_ 2159030704290.0134.99134.99 /.git/config HTTP/1.1
0-017600/2653/2653_ 9646020128360.060.3860.38 /?vw=search_results_details&id=8957 HTTP/1.1

SrvChild Server number - generation
PIDOS process ID
AccNumber of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
MMode of operation
SSSeconds since beginning of most recent request
ReqMilliseconds required to process most recent request
DurSum of milliseconds required to process all requests
ConnKilobytes transferred this connection
ChildMegabytes transferred this child
SlotTotal megabytes transferred this slot

SSL/TLS Session Cache Status:
cache type: SHMCB, shared memory: 512000 bytes, current entries: 4
subcaches: 32, indexes per subcache: 88
time left on oldest entries' objects: avg: 150 seconds, (range: 19...299)
index usage: 0%, cache usage: 0%
total entries stored since starting: 11063
total entries replaced since starting: 0
total entries expired since starting: 11057
total (pre-expiry) entries scrolled out of the cache: 0
total retrieves since starting: 0 hit, 0 miss
total removes since starting: 2 hit, 0 miss